Cassandra Morgan

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I can't pass up

For Day Two of 30 Days of Lists, the subject is I Can't Pass Up. I have quite a few things I can't pass up.

1. Pitch Perfect - this movie is so awesome, I absolutely have to watch it whenever it is on. Aca-Awkward!

2. Sushi - If it is a menu option, that is what I am picking.

3. Craft supplies - I should be banned from Michael's and Joanne's.

4. Animals in need - This is how we ended up with 3 dogs, a cat, 2 chinchillas, a bird, and too many fish to count.

5. Chocolate - You can never have too much chocolate, right?

And I am sure there are way, way more items I could add to this list. What are the things that you can't pass up?