Cassandra Morgan

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On My Mind Today

I have quite a lot on my mind today but that is because I have a lot to do. Busy, busy!

1. Slight worries that things I need for my full time job will not work properly. I'm not going to go into detail about this though.

2. Pondering some items for my daughter's Halloween costume. Every year I try to get this started earlier and every year something stops us. I hope I can get everything together in time. 

3. Trying to figure out my writing schedule. I have 3 books I need to finish reading for reviews, I have 2 more iPad apps I need to play with to write those reviews, I have to record some more videos for the YouTube channel...there is a lot. I seriously need more time in a day. 

I think that might cover it all. It doesn't sound like a lot but all of those things swimming around in my brain might give me a headache! When will there be more hours in a day?