Cassandra Morgan

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Aisle Be Home For Christmas | 2022 Christmas Movies

I apologize for my lack of reviews yesterday. I had some holiday festivities that kept me away from my television. No worries, though. All of the Christmas movies will be reviewed. We’re almost at the end! But first, Aisle Be Home For Christmas.

Michelle (Jennifer Freeman) and her ex-boyfriend, Drew (Garrett Watson), get stuck in a superstorm during a major snowstorm on Christmas Eve. Without cell service or internet, they make the best of things with the rest of the stranded people - store owner Angela (Erica Duke), employee Courtney (Jessica Ruth Bell), and shoppers Tristan (John Henry Richardson) and Richie (Ryan Rohtla).

This sounds like a great premise, right? They are stuck in a store with everything the could need or want. There’s food and toys and all sorts of supplies. But everything they do it so boring. They make gingerbread houses but they don’t make it fun. They sit and talk. We don’t actually see them make the houses. We see the houses afterwards but at no point do they actually make the houses themselves. We do get to see Angela spray some whipped cream into some cocoa and Courtney play a guitar but that is about it. BORING.

Do not watch this. I was hoping there were going to be some fun montages of them playing with toys or making pillow forts or something like that. No, they just talk. I hate it. I’m starting to think that maybe the worst Hallmark movie is better than any Great American Family movie.