Cassandra Morgan

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Christmas Love | 2022 Christmas Movies

Christmas Love is a short film but I’m counting it in my Christmas movie list. It’s only about 30 minutes long, though I wish it was a little longer.

Sam (Abel Mutua) is a widowed single father struggling to raise his daughter while juggling his job. Can he figure out how to put his daughter first in his life?

I am so sad at how short Christmas Love is. We get the story of how Sam is struggling to fit everything into his schedule and how much he misses his late wife but we don’t get much of a resolution. He, once again, doesn’t show up on time for his daughter and he receives a message that Christ Was Love during her school play. However, we don’t get to see if he has really changed his ways or if she will always play second fiddle to his demanding job. It would have been nice to have another half hour to give us a better resolution to the problems or maybe show us Sam quitting his job in order to focus on his daughter more. Just something that shows us he has changed.

On one hand, I want to recommend this movie because it is another foreign film released by Netflix. On the other hand, it doesn’t have a real ending. That makes it difficult to recommend. Maybe turn it on in the background while you are doing something else. That way Netflix counts it as a view but you don’t waste your 30 minutes watching something unsatisfying.