Cassandra Morgan

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A Perfect Christmas Pairing | 2023 Christmas Movies

Most of the movies going forward are going to be from various streaming platforms. A Perfect Christmas Pairing aired on FreeVee, an Amazon video app.

Grace Cooke (Ansley Gordon) is a chef who desperately wants to get a Michelin star. After a bad review, she goes home to her family’s winery for the holidays. There she meets Asher (Chris Connell), a travel journalist who doesn’t stay in the same place for very long.

This was a dumb movie. From the characters laughing (over a laughtrack) to the stupidest jokes to Grace feeling the need to explain “Behind” to Asher when she walked behind him (“it’s restaurant speak for ‘I’m walking behind you’”) to the fact that no one has life behind their eyes. It is all just so terrible. And even the main conflict - a woman coming into town to try to buy up all of the companies? - makes no sense and is no actual threat to anything since no one wants to sell. They act like she can just give them money and that means they sold their property, even if they don’t want to. Maybe FreeVee isn’t the place to go for movies.

Rating: Take two ideas that have nothing to do with each other and try to smash them together