Cassandra Morgan

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Damsel (2024)

There are so many movies that I mean to watch when they come out then I completely forget about them. Netflix’s Damsel is one of those.

Elodie (Millie Bobby Brown) is the eldest daughter to a lord. In order to save her village from starvation, her father (Ray Winstone) marries her off to Prince Henry (Nick Robinson). Little did he know that Henry’s family has an ancient ritual where they sacrifice young women with royal blood to a dragon. Can Elodie escape the dragon or will she be killed like so many before her?

I fully admit that I enjoy dragons. Somehow, this movie managed to make a dragon boring. Where they could have had some epic fights with the dragon, most of the movie is spent with Elodie hiding and running away. We’re supposed to think that Elodie is a complete badass, despite the fact that she has zero training and hasn’t consumed anything (including water) for a long time. It was, honestly, more confusing than entertaining.

Another annoying thing is that they introduce these glowworms that have healing properties. But at no point to they explain how they heal…they just do. This could have been a great time to introduce some magic into the world or even some alchemy. Nah. All that plot point is good for is light and healing.

Sadly, even though I was looking forward to watching this, it wasn’t worth my time. The best part of the movie is the last maybe fifteen minutes. The rest of the movie should have been left on the cutting room floor.

Rating: D