Cassandra Morgan

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No more snow please!

Today was a snow-filled day. It started shortly before I left for Zumba class, which made the drive slow-going. By the time the hour-long class ended, a good inch or two had fallen. Then my daughter had her first swim class for Level 5. Luckily, the roads were cleared by the time we had to leave. But the snow was still falling. It slowed a little as we walked into class but it was back in full force on our way out. In all, I think we got three or four inches. (I'm terrible at guesstimating that sort of stuff.) At least I don't have anywhere to go tomorrow. I'll be spending the day doing laundry, snuggling with my daughter, and trying to stay away from Googling things like North Carolina health insurance. Whatever I end up doing, I want the snow to stay away!