Cassandra Morgan

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The State of The Geek

The domain for TGW has been renewed for yet another year. This month marks the second anniversary of The Geek. OK, technically, the anniversary was back on June 1. Way back in 2007, I was migrating all of my reviews and things over from my Vox account. I haven't been watching nearly as many jdoramas since then and that is something I need to fix. So here are some plans for the future: * Watch and review more jdoramas. Even the sucky ones need to be talked about. Possibly retool the format for jdorama reviews.

* Talk more about music. I love music and I've gotten away from talking about it.

* Get back to reviewing video games. I haven't played a lot of games lately. Though I shouldn't just talk about the ones I play. I should talk about the ones my husband plays too.

I will gladly accept any ideas for any other topics you'd like me to talk about. I'm currently into Asian BJD (ball joint dolls) so I can always talk about my experience with various types of dolls.