Cassandra Morgan

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Website of the Week - Qassia

In order to jazz this place up a bit, I'm going to start a website of the week feature. Once a week, I will link to a website that I think is interesting or informative or one I just like. Today I would like to talk about Qassia. It's a little difficult to try to describe the site. It is almost like wikipedia due to the user-generated content. However, unlike wiki, Qassia requires that the users vote on the information or 'intel' before it can be posted. By writing intel and screening it, you obtain Qassia credit called Qassia dollars. This credit can't be exchanged for money but, in the future, they are planning to allow users to purchase advertising space and other things with it.

I find myself checking the website multiple times per day. A lot of my Qassia dollars have been accumulated through screening intel from others. I've written a few pieces myself but I've found it a lot more interesting to see what other people have written. Hopefully I'll be able to screen something you've written soon!