Koziar's Christmas Village

I completely forgot to talk about this. If you live within driving distance of Berks County and have children, you might enjoy checking out Koziar's Christmas Village. My husband and I took our 7-year old daughter over the weekend and she had a pretty good time. Basically, Koziar's is a large plot of land with various buildings entirely decorated with Christmas lights. When you walk in, there's an area to the right that has three trains running on a track around a little village. On the pond, there's a lit-up pirate ship. Nearby, there's a lit train with a couple of cars. As you walk through the village, there are buildings dressed up with themes like "Christmas Around The World." There's also an old-fashioned post office and fire station. And, of course, the kids can have their pictures taken with Santa Claus.

For the adults, there are a couple of gift stores where you can buy ornaments or nutcrackers or little things for the kids. My in-laws bought my daughter light-up reindeer antlers and a light-up Rudolph nose. There were also a variety of really cute hats, including a pig with wings and a blue elephant. If you get cold or hungry, there's plenty of hot chocolate, hot apple cider, and cookies.

Just make sure you get there early! Otherwise the line is huge!