Makin' Chainmail

As you may already know, I make beaded jewelry for kids. (Big kids too!) I've been trying to branch out into other things as well. Earrings, keychains, and bracelets have been added to my line. So now I am trying chainmail. It's not particularly difficult but it is very time consuming. I started with an extremely simple piece:

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And now I am trying this piece. I'm about halfway done. It still isn't difficult. However, I have to stop every time I switch rings so I can make sure the other things are facing the correct way and I'm not accidentally linking rings together twice.

My friend, Heidianna, makes some lovely pieces that she sells in her etsy shop, In The Spice Rack. I even own a pair of her earrings. One day, I hope to make pieces as nice as hers.

I'll try to post pictures of the new necklace as soon as they are finished. Keep an eye on my Instagram for more pics!