My Salad Obsession

Yes, this post is very late tonight. That is because my family went to Panera Bread for dinner. See, I have this obsession with salads. I adore salads. Panera Bread has this amazing Steak & Blue Cheese salad. (Unfortunately, this particular salad is no longer on their website. I hope they aren't getting rid of it.) So, despite the fact that I had a Chicken Caesar Salad from Saladworks for lunch, I had yet another salad for dinner. I am OK with this.

I am the strange girl that will order salad when everyone else is eating hamburgers. I will be the one asking "Is everyone finished eating salad?" when I notice that there is still salad left in the communal salad bowl. (This happens at home a lot. I then take the huge bowl of leftover salad and plop down in front of the TV to try to put myself in a salad coma. I have never reached that point. Yet.) If the lettuce/spinach/whatever is fresh enough, I don't even require dressing. I love salad.

So I'm asking you to give me your favorite salad recipe. Have an awesome dressing? Do you make your salad with some weird ingredient? Tell me about it. I need new salads to try!