Game reiew: Farm Frenzy 2

Do you remember how much I loved Farm Frenzy? Well, this is a company that knows how to make an awesome sequel to an awesome game. They didn't try to make the gameplay different; they didn't try to jazz up the graphics. All they did was change a few things to make it a little more difficult. In the original game, you were raising geese and sheep in order to make money. This time, you have chickens, pigs, cows and ostriches. Yes, I said ostriches. I worked my butt off to be able to buy some ostriches because their feathers bring in a lot of money! Not only that, but you can make hats and dresses out of them as well. I love this series and I hope everyone else has as much fun playing it as I did.

Game review: Farm Frenzy

Farm Frenzy was a really fun game. You start out taking care of some geese and move into harvesting their eggs to sell at market before moving into other animals and products. Once you get sheep, you can harvest their wool to sell at market. Beware of the bears though! They will throw your animals off the screen, which forces you to buy new animals. Luckily, you can cage the bears and sell THEM at market. I didn't think I would like this game. It sounded like a lot of work with no real reward. Instead, I found the game exciting. I kept looking forward to making more money to buy upgrades for my farm. This is definitely a game you should try.