Favorite Friday - May 23

I am trying to bring back the Favorite Friday feature. There are a LOT of YouTube channels that I follow and I would love to share them with you. Mental Floss is one of my favorites. Usually hosted by John Green, the channel does trivia lists about everything and anything. This week's list was 47 Charming Things About Children's Books (though most of the facts were about the authors and not the books themselves). Enjoy!

Favorite Friday

Because this week has been absolutely insane, I am going to give you some Favorite Friday videos today. This is a band that actually really exists. For reals. You will wonder when I went insane then you will fall madly in love with them. Today I give you - BABYMETAL

And, as a bonus, here is a recent Fine Brothers production - YouTubers react to BABYMETAL

Favorite Friday

After I got home yesterday, I figured out that it was not exhaustion that had me. It was a migraine. Sometimes my migraines start out feeling like I haven't slept enough. Then something triggers the release and *bam* full blown migraine. It sucks a lot. But I am better now. Time to get back to my jobs. I guess that means I need to figure out a Favorite Friday, huh? What the heck. I wasn't going to post this but...well...I changed my mind. Here is Katy Perry's non-appearance on Sesame Street. It was recorded and released on YouTube. Parents were upset over Perry's clothing and the clip was pulled from the show and the YouTube channel. I think it's cute. I haven't heard of any of the Sesame Street staff complaining about her clothes. It's not like it was just her and Elmo on-set. I just don't understand people sometimes.